Safe Sport |

Safe Sport |

USA Swimming Safe Sport

Here at Nation’s Capital Swim Club, we strive to make your swimmer’s protection and safety our highest priority. By working together as coaches, swimmers, parents, and volunteers we can ensure all USA Swimming members are supported in a safe and dependable environment both in and out of the pool.

Safe Sport Club Coordinator

Name: Karyn McCannon

To Address With a Safe Sport Concern

Contact USA Swimming at (719) - 866 - 4578

Text Anonymous Tips

(888) - 270 - SWIM [7946]

Contact the U.S. Center for Safe Sport to Make a Report

Call (833) - 5US - SSAFE [587 - 7233], use the online reporting form or find more information at the Safe Sport website.

USA Swimming requires member clubs to implement the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP) effective as of June 23, 2019. This Policy addresses risk areas that present opportunities for abuse to occur.

The Policy covers five (5) areas:

  1. One-on-One Interactions

  2. Travel: Local & Team

  3. Social Media & Electronic Communication

  4. Locker Rooms & Changing Areas

  5. Massages & Rubdowns

MAAPP | Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy

Parent Consent Forms